Digital Paradise

Interaction Art
Individual work (not academic)
Tianqi Wei

There is no such thing as eternal assessments. Whether good or bad, their shelf life grows shorter and shorter, like gardenias that are worn on the head for hours and then discarded or plastic water bottles held in the palm of the hand and then trodden on and tossed into the garbage.

In 1980, Osamu Nakano appraised contemporary people who were nourished by the media environment of television to grow up as container people in The Information Behavior of Modern People. Their inner world is like a jar for them: secluded, closed, estranged from others and authority. Nonetheless, they are subconsciously pulled into the picture-rich tin can of television, creating dependency and trust. 

It has been a hard time since 2020. The “current generation,” which is more contemporary than modern humans, has infused the clouds with all of its vibrant energy. The age of television has ended. The great, noble, progressive, and redemptive "Web 3.0" and the "Metaverse" are embracing everyone in their loving arms. We seem to be no longer enclosed. We can smash all containers. Everyone may assess everyone, praise everyone, adore everyone, attack everyone, and spit on everyone at any time, anywhere, and at will.

Moreover, we are all like the drifting waves on the ocean. We are like the weeds on the mutilated plain, traveling straight forward or continually swinging with every spring breeze, impending downpour, new autumn, or overcast, windy, and stormy days. A false rumor might take the boat of reality's contradiction, riding the wave of the green cloud, and become a loud name, a heated jest. It will be tossed to an infinite number of people and an infinite future. A random individual who was just being himself is now progressively pushed closer to the center of acclaim or criticism. One minute he is a hero. The next minute, he is a national traitor, smeared with divided assessment, laughter, or fury. The grass is loud, straining on their walls and waving in the air.

In the olden days, we believed that "do not laud a day before dusk"—when individuals pass away, the lights go off, and future generations may finally evaluate and remember them. The grave was a person's last container. When the coffin lid and the posthumous title were combined, we might finally evaluate him. However, the olden days have departed. With its casket opened, toppled sculptures and graffitied emblems may be found within it.

After the clouds have touched everyone to their heart's content, the contemporary home is no longer the cold ground, the tiny container. Every tombstone in the cloud cemetery may be rated at will by anyone, and any visitors' remarks about the individual in the tomb can be broadcasted in real-time in the cloud, generating jumping bytes and shaking wave points. Where has the world's peace gone? The rating jingles, the body is buried eternally, and the digits are suspended in paradise.







Stories behind the work

How profound is the impact of online public opinion on people and the society?

George Floyd, 46, died after a police officer knelt on his neck for almost nine minutes while he was held face down in a street in Minneapolis on May 25, 2020.
Some of the civil action has focused on monuments glorifying countries' imperialist past, which some people see as offensive in today's multi-ethnic society. Protesters have torn down statues of Christopher Columbus across the US.

*reference: Baijiahao, Guanchazhewang, June 11, 2020: Christopher Columbus statues destroyed in multiple locations in the U.S.

Tsinghua schoolgirl incident:
A female art student posted that she was sexually harassed in the cafeteria, and she wanted the male student in question to "be perceived as a social piranha" among her WeChat friends.
Although the two students have apologized and reconciled, the story has still been maliciously spread to Weibo and Zhihu, sparking massive online violence against the girl herself, females and art students.

*reference: Posts on THU Hole

Yang Qian won a gold medal at the 2021 Tokyo Olympics, and her Weibo account gained a lot of fans.
Then people found Yang's collection of Nike shoes, comments changed from "China's pride" to "kneeling girl get out of China" within a few minutes. Later, the person who led the attack on Yang Qian for being unpatriotic was scolded, and then posted "The world is too malicious to girls."

*reference: Weibo@西莉雅厨

Production Process

virtual scenes made with Unity
// Digital Paradise by Bob Tianqi Wei
// Main program

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using TMPro;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
using System;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.Text;

public class Tomb
    public int tombID;
    public int localCommentScore;
    public int[] numberOfEachComment;
    public float totalCommentScore;
    public int totalCommentNumber;
    public ButtonControl[] buttons;
    public SingleTombUI stu;
    public bool ifCommented;


public struct UpdatedData
   public string result;
    public string star_one;
    public string star_two;
    public string star_three;
    public string star_four;
    public string star_five;


public class TombControl : MonoBehaviour
    public static TombControl tc;
    private void Awake()
        tc = this;

    string getDataURL="http://localhost/tombdatabase/GetTombData.php";
    string updateDataURL= "http://localhost/tombdatabase/TombUpdate.php";
    public string[] tombData;//�����洢��ȡ�������ݣ�ÿ��Ĺ�����ᵥ����ȡһ��

    public List<Tomb> tomb_List = new List<Tomb>();

    private void Start()
        foreach (Tomb t in tomb_List)


    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()


    public void CaculateCommentScore()
        foreach(Tomb t in tomb_List)
            t.totalCommentNumber = t.numberOfEachComment[0]+ t.numberOfEachComment[1] + t.numberOfEachComment[2] + t.numberOfEachComment[3] + t.numberOfEachComment[4];
            if (t.totalCommentNumber!=0)
                t.totalCommentScore = (float)(t.numberOfEachComment[0] * 1 + t.numberOfEachComment[1] * 2 + t.numberOfEachComment[2] * 3 + t.numberOfEachComment[3] * 4 + t.numberOfEachComment[4] * 5) / t.totalCommentNumber;
            else if(t.totalCommentNumber==0)
                t.totalCommentScore = 0.0f;

    public void ButtonAnim(int tombIndex,int awakeButtonNumber)
        for(int i =0;i<awakeButtonNumber;i++)
            tomb_List[tombIndex].buttons[i].transform.parent.GetComponent<Animator>().Play("Press" + i);


    public void RefreshLocalUI()
        foreach(Tomb t in tomb_List)


    public void UpdateByButton(int id,int star)
        StartCoroutine(UpdateScoreHTTP(id, star));


    public void GetByButton(int id)


    IEnumerator UpdateScoreHTTP(int id,int star){
        using (var client = new HttpClient())
            int databaseID = id + 1;
            var url = new Uri("");
            //string postJsonString = "{\"id\": \"" + databaseIDstring + "\",\"score\":\"" + star.ToString() + "\"}";
            //JObject postJson = JObject.Parse(postJsonString);
            //string postJson = JsonUtility.ToJson(postJsonString);
            string postString = "id=" + databaseID.ToString() + "&score=" + star.ToString();
            var stringcontent = new StringContent(postString, Encoding.UTF8, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
            var result = client.PostAsync(url, stringcontent).Result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
            yield return new WaitForSeconds(0f);

    IEnumerator GetScoreHTTP(int id){
        using(var client = new HttpClient())
            int databaseID = id + 1;
            var url = new Uri("");
            //string postJsonString = "{\"id\": \"" + databaseIDstring + "\"}";
            //JObject postJson = JObject.Parse(postJsonString);
            //string postJson = JsonUtility.ToJson(postJsonString);
            string postString = "id=" + databaseID.ToString();
            var stringcontent = new StringContent(postString, Encoding.UTF8, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
            var result = client.PostAsync(url, stringcontent).Result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
            int[] scores = {0,0,0,0,0};
            //scores[0] = result.star_one.parseInt();
            //string resultJson = JsonUtility.ToJson(result);
            UpdatedData d = JsonUtility.FromJson<UpdatedData>(result);
            //tomb_List[id].numberOfEachComment = scores;
            scores[0] = int.Parse(d.star_one);
            scores[1] = int.Parse(d.star_two);
            scores[2] = int.Parse(d.star_three);
            scores[3] = int.Parse(d.star_four);
            scores[4] = int.Parse(d.star_five);
            tomb_List[id].numberOfEachComment = scores;
            yield return new WaitForSeconds(0f);
source code: main control
// Digital Paradise by Bob Tianqi Wei
// Tomb UI

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using TMPro;

public class ButtonControl : MonoBehaviour
    public int buttonID;
    public int TombID;

    public void ReturnIDOnRay()
        if ([TombID].ifCommented == false)
  [TombID].ifCommented = true;
  [TombID].localCommentScore = buttonID + 1;
  , buttonID + 1);
        else if([TombID].ifCommented == true)
  , buttonID + 1);
    IEnumerator DelayForRecoverIfCommented()
        yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.1f);[TombID].ifCommented = false;

source code:  tombstone UI
// Digital Paradise by Bob Tianqi Wei
// Buttons

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using TMPro;

public class ButtonControl : MonoBehaviour
    public int buttonID;
    public int TombID;

    public void ReturnIDOnRay()
        if ([TombID].ifCommented == false)
  [TombID].ifCommented = true;
  [TombID].localCommentScore = buttonID + 1;
  , buttonID + 1);
        else if([TombID].ifCommented == true)
  , buttonID + 1);
    IEnumerator DelayForRecoverIfCommented()
        yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.1f);[TombID].ifCommented = false;

source code: buttons