Bob Tianqi Wei
魏 天祺

"Tyan-Chi", he/they (What is this?)

I am an HCI researcher, design engineer, and artist.

Currently I am a Master of Design student at College of Engineering and an HCI Researcher at the Berkeley Institute of Design, advised by Shm Almeda and Professor Björn Hartmann (EECS) at UC Berkeley. Before joining UC Berkeley, I received my bachelor's in Industrial Design from Tsinghua University. During my undergraduate studies, I worked as a researcher at Professor Lintao Tang's Group.

I have a strong background in design and engineering, and a keen interest in music and fine arts. My research interests lie at the intersection of human-computer interaction, ubiquitous computing, tangible UI, creative use of sound and music, novel design methods, and applications for AI.

Photo by Lucy Zhu from 05/04/2024


- Abigail & Bob's Carillon Recital: 4/28 6pm at UC Berkeley Sather Tower!
- I am presenting of my research project Building Professional Hearing on April 5th, 2024 at the UC Berkeley Education Research Day Conference!



With Professor Hiroshi Ishii at CHI 2024, Hawaii

With Dr. Eugene Tssui at UC Berkeley, 2024

Presenting Sympathetic Orchestra at Tsinghua University, 2023

With Dr. Chun WU at Horowitz Concert Hall, Steinway Hall Beijing, 2021

With Professor Lintao Tang at Tsinghua University, 2024

With Professor Dor Abrahamson at UC Berkeley, 2023

Presenting Building Professional Hearing at Education Research Day Conference at UC Berkeley, 2024

With Professor Kimiko Ryokai at UC Berkeley, 2023

Teaching the TUI class at UC Berkeley, 2023

Presenting ILLUMINATIO at ISAM 2023 at Carnegie Mellon University

At Professor Leo Cheng's studio in Beijing, 2022